Thank you for your support of this most important, most impactful opportunity for our archdiocesan community.

If you'd prefer to make a one-time gift click here

If you'd prefer to make a 10-month pledge click here

Yes! I would like to make a gift to the 
2025 Pastoral Services Appeal!

With your gift, you are making a difference in your neighbors’ lives:

• Fostering formation for 23 seminarians and providing ongoing education for our priests and deacons.
• Caring for 51 retired diocesan priests.
• Providing social services for more than 615,000 families and individuals through Catholic Charities.
• Educating more than 17,000 students in our diocesan Catholic Schools.

Your generosity directly supports these ministries of faith and so many more. Thank you for your generous and joyful support of your neighbors in the Diocese of Orange.

Questions? Need help making your gift?
Please reach out to us by email at
or by phone at 714.282.3043.